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News for June, 2005

Thursday, June 30, 2005
San Andreas Multiplayer Simultaneous Development
Posted by DigitalD at 15:39. Category: General

Ever since the Multi Theft Auto team brought multiplayer Grand Theft Auto to GTA3 and Vice City, other coders have taken interest in making their own multiplayer modifications. With a few weeks having passed since the release of SanAn on PC, progress has been made in making a multiplayer San Andreas modification.

Our own team, San Andreas Multiplayer, has merged with GTA Connection, and has managed to put together an almost complete package. With beta tests already taking place, syncing is already complete. Apparently the San Andreas engine uses a different way to move cars which makes them jitter at high speeds, so this is yet to be overcome. Game modes are also being planned out, and the team have announced that a full-functioning multiplayer conversion should be out in another 1-2 months.

san andreas multiplayer modification screenshots

The Multi Theft Auto team have a video and a pair of screenshots up at their Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas website. "The Multi Theft Auto Team has put together a short video showcasing the early stages of vehicle synchronization. It was captured while testing the race mod that is currently under construction. The video features a variety of vehicles and locations with a varying number of testers." A public release is still some time off, however; "Although a lot of work has been completed throughout all areas of the mod and the core itself, we still have many features to complete before we have a version suitable for release."

A third team, the GTA Tournament team, has a few videos of beta testing up. The videos look like the netcode is in place, but the vehicles are plagued with the jittering that the other teams have been trying to avoid, and the tests seem to have only been shot with 2 players connected. Nevertheless, the team says they have basic car and player synchronisation complete.

Finally, one team that received a lot of coverage in the last week is the San Andreas 2-Player modification. Not a full multiplayer mod, but it lets you mess around San Andreas with your friend. Contrary to what was reported earlier, their official site is now online. Their official site is down at this point, but from what I've seen they have implemented the multiplayer very efficiently. The chat dialog shows up in the fashion the in-game messages do in single player, and the second player is indicated with a red arrow.

Stay tuned for further news and information on the first public multiplayer modification.

Sunday, June 26, 2005
Player Skin Selection Modification
Posted by DigitalD at 16:07. Category: General

Choose from a variety of in-game models including these.

AdTec from our forums has made a nifty modification which allows you to play as different character models from the game. The San Andreas player selection mod lets you play as almost all of the storyline characters as well as the girlfriends and gang members. The modification comes with a simple installer and uninstaller and spawns you at CJ's house in the hood from where you can run around San Andreas in your new player skin. Gaining muscle and fat have been disabled because these stretch the new player models in strange ways and the models become glitchy.

Saturday, June 25, 2005
Posted by illspirit at 23:20. Category: General

After two weeks of wondering how on earth we would get around the new LOD grouping system, binary IPL files, over 16K map objects, and countless other brain-numbing obstacles, we did it. San Andreas has been removed, and we've started importing assets for the Myriad Islands community map project!

Myriad Islands in the San Andreas engine

Most of the hard work here was done by Steve M and his beta "map cleaner" tool, as well as tons of experimenting by Delfi, Ashdexx, Opius, GT-1, and others at the forums. There's still much to be learned before map modding really takes off, but if you want to stay on the bleeding edge of things, head on over to this topic.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Speedometer Modification Released
Posted by DigitalD at 23:09. Category: General

in-game, mph/kph display

Spooky from our forums has released a San Andreas speedometer modification for the PC version, which adds a speedometer into the game. If you somehow don't know what a speedometer is, it shows your current speed when you are driving in a vehicle. The speedometer can be toggled between miles and kilometres, and you can choose the corner in which it sits.

Sunday, June 19, 2005
Play a White CJ
Posted by DigitalD at 23:37. Category: General

Looks like one of the first player skins for San Andreas PC (if not the first) is one which turns CJ white. The mod can be downloaded at GTA Garage, where it initially caught my attention. Recoil writes: "This mod turns CJ white. Works for all clothes and in cutscenes!" The author seems to be hidden away behind some forums that require registration, but the mod is available for everyone to download. To get it working, you need to open up player.img with IMG Tool by Spooky. All the files in the mod need to be imported into player.img and you should be set. The only question remaining is what to call CJ now. Chrissy Jarvis? Charles Jefferson?!

Game Stats Uploader
Posted by DigitalD at 17:08. Category: General

Our friends at The GTA Place have put together a little uploader for your San Andreas stats similar to the Vice City stats uploader. Chris says: "Remember that horrible stats file that Vice City used to generate, the stats file generated by San Andreas isn't much better either. What this page does is it generates a nice pretty, colourful page of your San Andreas PC stats file, which you can then show off to all your friends." Why hasn't anyone come up with this already? Check out my (unimpressive) stats!

Friday, June 17, 2005
TXD Workshop Updates
Posted by DigitalD at 21:41. Category: General

The SanAn TXD workshop by our own guys at GTA Tools has been updated. Delfi wrote: "The latest txd workshop beta was promoted to version 3.4 which can save txds properly again (for vice city and gta3). It has experimental saving for San Andreas that gives limited success. Editing LOADSCS.txd works great but in-game sprites (like LD_PLAN.txd) doesn't." The new TXD workshop works for GTA3 and Vice City PC and Xbox and San Andreas PC. Download the TXD workshop if you want to change some textures in your game.

Multi Theft Auto Shows San Andreas Action
Posted by DigitalD at 00:38. Category: General

The Multi Theft Auto San Andreas team has shown some progress with their efforts to get a functional multiplayer modification for San Andreas PC out as soon as possible. Earlier this week they showed some screenshots of a race modification they are developing to get the hype going. Now the MTA team writes: "Following Tuesday′s update, the Multi Theft Auto Team has put together a short video showcasing the early stages of vehicle synchronization. It was captured while testing the race mod that is currently under construction. The video features a variety of vehicles and locations with a varying number of testers." You can download the video at the Multi Theft Auto San Andreas website.

Xbox and PC Video Comparison at IGN
Posted by DigitalD at 00:28. Category: General

street 454 brings to our attention to a video comparison IGN did between the PS2, Xbox and PC versions of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Similarly to my Xbox impressions and concerns news, IGN says the Xbox version doesn't have the 'wow' factor that GTA3 and Vice City had on the Xbox. The video comparison was narrated by the PC and Xbox chief editors at IGN, who also mentioned the hot coffee modification and were apparently trying to get an official word from Rockstar on it. So far Rockstar doesn't seem to have commented on it, so let's hope someone over at Rockstar North is not in trouble for forgetting to remove the unused mini-game. If you're not an IGN subscriber, you can still check out the video at IGN's videos page.

In terms of visual quality, lowest is PS2, Xbox's is slightly higher - there's a lot less pop-ins, a lot less fade-ins. There's still shimmering, there's still aliasing. It's not a great looking game. After that the PC version gets that better.
Doug Perry, Editor-in-Chief IGNXbox

PS2 GTA: SA Censor Remover
Posted by DigitalD at 00:04. Category: General

gothi writes: GTA: San Andreas Censor Remover allows you to patch your PS2 GTA save to remove the censor and unlock the removed 'Hot Coffee' interactive scene (unlike the first PC patch the girls seems to be wearing only a little clothing rather than their regular clothes) Please make sure to follow the instructions in the readme and enjoy GTA: SA as it was meant to be. Download link: PS2 GTA: SA Censor Remover. Looks like you can enable the "hot coffee" scenes on your PS2 without the modification?

Thursday, June 16, 2005
GTA Scraper Launches Mobile Scraper
Posted by DigitalD at 19:52. Category: General

Our partners at GTA Scraper have launched a site called Mobile Scraper which will concentrate on mobile phone news and information. Go ahead and check them out.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005
San Andreas Xbox Impressions and Concerns
Posted by DigitalD at 21:57. Category: General

It was clear during the press campaign leading up to the releases of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC and Xbox that the Xbox version was a higher priority for Rockstar. As they said it themselves, there's an Xbox in every other household while good PCs are few and far between. Why then are we hearing complaints about the quality of the game on the Xbox version and everyone is so pleased with the game's performance on the PC?

Joystiq wrote a rant about the Xbox version with things that I've personally experienced as well: "I’m running, running, running for my life, tearing through a series of backyards and BAM! I smack into an invisible wall. Huh?" It was well known that GTA3 (and VC) looked better on Xbox than even on the PC, but it seems like SA on the Xbox has taken a step back in visuals from the Xbox double-pack (GTAIII and GTA Vice City on Xbox). Joystiq posted a follow-up that seems to indicate that the game seems to start playing better after more hours of gameplay though.

GTAs on the Xbox: GTA3, GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas

A few days ago a topic appeared on our forums with screenshots of the Xbox version in action. While the screenshots themselves obviously don't look as good as the promotional screenshots released by Rockstar, they don't look too amazing either. With the flurry of amazing high-resolution PC screenshots we've been treated to lately it's easy to say we are spoiled, but then again the GTA double pack for the Xbox looked positively stunning.

If you're a proud Xbox owner and you've played San Andreas on the Xbox, go ahead and leave your impressions in our forums topic.

San Andreas Seeing Japan in Autumn?
Posted by DigitalD at 21:37. Category: General

IGN is writing that Capcorn, the publisher of the GTA franchise in Japan, has set a release date of Autumn for San Andreas in the Japanese market. IGN believes a simultaneous Xbox/PS2 release is likely.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005
First Sales Numbers, Gamespy Review
Posted by DigitalD at 17:36. Category: General

The first sales numbers for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in the UK have been announced by Chart Track. Surprisingly (or not) the Xbox version has outsold the PC version almost two-fold. Needless to say, San Andreas shot to the top position after release. We expect some sort of sales information from the NPD Group soon concerning american sales numbers.

Of the 2 new versions Xbox is the format of choice with 63% of total sales, followed by PC with 34%. The Xbox version is the second fastest-selling Xbox product ever tracked within a single week, after ‘Halo 2’.
Chart Track

Gamespy's review of the PC version has also gone up. They rated the game outstanding at 5/5 stars.

Sunday, June 12, 2005
Hot Coffee Bogus? No Way!
Posted by DigitalD at 22:40. Category: General

Following up on the hot coffee modification news we posted earlier, many were doubtful about its authenticity. Well there's a new version out which combines Hot Coffee with the state wide open and allows you to travel all around the state to different girlfriends. The mod now also has two different modes. Details:

  • The quick action version, that will bring you quickly to the action, but may spoil your gameplay.
  • The gameplay friendly version, that will show you the action, but doesn't influence the gameplay. Now you must play the game until you unlock a girlfriend and get her to go "drink coffee" with you.

And for those non-believers, we have uploaded a 1:30 video of the interactive coffee session with a girlfriend after a date. See the video now!

Read More

Maximised Draw Distance for High-End Gamers
Posted by DigitalD at 21:22. Category: General

Increased Draw Distance

Gemini- from our forums has released a 10x increased view distance modification which edits values in your timecyc.dat data file and increases the game's draw distance tenfold. These settings are only recommended for gamers with stronger computers, as the increase in draw distance can drastically reduce the gameplay experience.

During a test, I personally also noticed numerous visual glitches which were likely caused by the game not being optimised for high draw distances. Nevertheless, if you are running San Andreas PC at a reasonably high framerate and would like additional visuals, give the new settings a go. See additional screenshots by clicking "read more."

Read More

San Andreas New Game Access
Posted by DigitalD at 21:07. Category: General

Similarly to the state wide open modification we reported about, Opius has made a modification which opens up the whole game at the start called San Andreas New Game Access. Here are the details:

  • All stats upgraded to full
  • Entire map opened up without restrictions
  • All side mission bonuses unlocked (Oysters, Horseshoes, Vigilante, etc.)
  • Most properties available for purchase from the start
  • All parked vehicles available from start
  • All unlockable weapons and pickups available from start, including IR goggle fix
  • Gang wars available from start
This mod sets up all of the features you would have obtained at the end of the game before the first mission even begins. So you have all the advantages of a 100% finished game, while still being able to play through the storyline.

GTA San Andreas Photo Cleaner
Posted by adamcs at 20:39. Category: General

gothi from has informed us of his new San Andreas "photo cleaning" tool.

"Those of you with GTA San Andreas for the Xbox may have noticed it uses a different method of storing photos than the PS2 and these files are not directly viewable on a PC. GTA: SA Photo Cleaner cleans up the raw .jpg files that the Xbox version of GTA San Andreas produces when you take a photo, leaving you with a picture you can view on your PC and also reduces the file size with absolutely no loss of image quality. This has been tested on Xbox photos only, it may or may not work on PC photos, I just don't have the game to test it with."

You can download the GTA San Andreas Photo Cleaner, here.

Saturday, June 11, 2005
More Hidden Stuff to Mod
Posted by illspirit at 19:42. Category: General

Everyone remembers the skateboard weapon icon that was found in the PS2 version, right? Sadly, that was all that remained of the unfinished item, as the model and texture files had been removed before shipping. In the PC version, however, R*^ was kind enough to include the missing bits for us to play with. It's still unclear whether any of the associated animations still exist, but for now, it can easily be used to replace any melee weapon.

Skate or die!

Replacing brass knuckles

Functioning as weapon

In this case, I replaced the combat knife, but it can also be swapped out with other weapons. To replace the knife, find and open default.ide in your /data directory, and replace this line:
335, knifecur, knifecur, null, 1, 50, 0
with this:
335, skateboard, skateboard, null, 1, 50, 0
To replace any of the other melee weapons, just edit the second and third column in the same manner.

The State Wide Open
Posted by DigitalD at 05:12. Category: General

Want to see the sights of San Fierro or gamble in Las Venturas without having to go through the storyline of the game? Craig Kostelecky has the answer for you in the form of a modification. All you have to do is replace your main.scm in the data folder with the new one and start a new game. Note that the mod will remove the blockades from going to other areas of the map, will open up the interiors and safehouses for buying and will remove the wanted level you get for leaving Los Santos. Go ahead and download the modification from GTA Garage and leave your comments there.

Friday, June 10, 2005
PC Plus 27 Trainer
Posted by DigitalD at 21:09. Category: General

Update: Download link fixed, sorry about that.

Just after I post about the +10, +13 trainers it looks like we have something alltogether way better. PiZZADOX has released the trainer of all trainers (at least for the time being!).

Unzip/Unrar trainer into your game directory, then start trainer with "pztrain.exe". Start the game using the launch button. During gameplay toggle trainer options by pressing the following key combinations:
Hotkey              Option                                          
F6                  Toggle Infinite Health                          
F7                  Toggle Infinite Armor                           
F8                  Toggle Infinite Ammo                            
F9                  Toggle Infinite Run                             
F10                 Toggle Infinite Breath                          
Shift+F6            Toggle Infinite Nitrous                         
F11                 Increase Money                                  
3                   No Wanted Level                                 
5                   Max Wanted Level                                
6                   Toggle One Hit Kill                             
7                   Toggle Bulletproof Vehicles                     
8                   Toggle One Hit Exploding Vehicles               
9                   Toggle Freeze Mission Timer                     
0                   Toggle Freeze Game Clock                        
Shift+3             Get Maximum Muscle                              
Shift+5             Get Maximum Stamina                             
Shift+6             Toggle Max/Min Fat                              
Shift+7             Get Maximum Respect                             
Shift+8             Get Maximum Gambling Skill                      
Shift+9             Get Hitman Level on All Weapons                 
Shift+0             Get 100% Completion                             
Shift+F7            Get Maximum Lung Capacity                       
Shift+F8            Get Maximum Bike/Driving/Cycling/Flying Skill   
Shift+F9            Get 100 Tags                                    
Shift+F10           Get 50 Oysters                                  
Shift+F11           Get 50 Snapshots                                
Shift+Del           Get 50 Horseshoes                               
F12                 Toggle In-Game Menu*

Additional notes about the functionality of these are available in the info file attached to the trainer. Download the trainer now from GTA Garage.

Help & Discussion Forums
Posted by DigitalD at 20:47. Category: General

I'd like to point everyone in the direction of our Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas forums at There is a specific forum for Xbox and PC information and a PC troubleshooting forum has just been opened. There are also forums for gameplay help, general discussion and cheats and tricks where the first San Andreas PC cheats came from and are constantly being found. With over 700 users online at the time of writing, you can be assured that your question will be answered.

On a similar note, Take2 Games has opened a tech support section for San Andreas PC. Their FAQ only holds one question at this point. Thanks to our partnersite PlanetGrandTheftAuto for the heads-up on this one.

PC Gamer UK Reviews San Andreas
Posted by DigitalD at 20:31. Category: General

The newest issue of PC Gamer magazine UK, the 150th anniversary issue, has a 4-page review of the PC version. PC Gamer was one of the only magazines granted a review before the game's release. The game is rated as a "Must Buy." It quickly covers most of the features of the game as well as the new features of the PC version. If you're still undecided, be sure to stroll down to your local newsstand and have a look through this issue.

Their verdict: A violent, funny, essential adventure. IT'S: Enormous, Town & country, Superbly realised. IT'S NOT: For kids, Horse and hounds, A PS2 game any more. The score they gave it was a 94% which translates into "faultless."

San Andreas PC Plus 10, Plus 13 Trainers
Posted by DigitalD at 19:53. Category: General

In addition to the previous PC trainers we posted about, here are two new ones. Once again just run one of these alongside the game, Alt+Tab out and choose your options.

Download Proper +10 Trainer (10KB/RAR) - Health, ammo, money, wanted level and other switches.
Download ReVOLVeR +13 Trainer (92KB/RAR) - God mode, unlimited time, money and respect, toggle wanted level and cops.

Thursday, June 09, 2005
San Andreas: Uncensored
Posted by illspirit at 21:57. Category: General

A few months ago, Barton Waterduck discovered a few sections of unused code in the PS2 version of San An for the girlfriend "missions". With a bit of memory hacking and such, he discovered these removed portions of mission scripting were to not only put the camera inside the girlfriends' house when you stop in for "coffee", but also to make a little mini-game of it. Now, with the magic of user-editable files on the PC, PatrickW was able to unlock the uncensored "coffee" segments for all to play with. Here's a few screens, but be warned, they might be a bit on the NSFW side...

If you want to try it out, head on over to GTAGarage to download this mod.

A Drive Around Los Santos
Posted by DigitalD at 21:37. Category: General

Shortly after I got San Andreas for the PC I posted my first impressions with a few screenshots from the beginning of the game. I've had a chance to get a good number of hours into the game now, but the game is so immersive that I haven't even been able to get out of the first city yet. I decided to drop the missions for a moment and take a drive around the surroundings of Los Santos. Have a look.

Notice from how far away I could see the bridges of San Fierro, the blur created at high speeds and the richness of colors. The graphics have certainly come a long way from the PS2 version. Those still waiting for their game to come, just hold on!

All San Andreas Xbox Cheats
Posted by DigitalD at 20:26. Category: General

All of the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Xbox cheats can now be found on one page. Here are some of the more useful Xbox cheats:

Infinite Health
Makes you mostly bulletproof, and fire, punches and melee attacks don't hurt you anymore. You can still be hurt by explosions, falling, getting run over, and drowning.
Infinite Ammo
Never Wanted
Wanted level never increases. Doesn't erase stars you already have.
Fast/Rare cars appear regularly

The GTA San Andreas PC cheats page will be completed soon, and cheats from all systems with screenshots will be at the general San Andreas cheats page.

New GTA San Andreas Desktops & Artwork
Posted by adamcs at 20:00. Category: General

We have created 4 new desktops for the San Andreas Wallpapers page (the official desktop style remains, for consistency).

In addition to that we have added 8 new artworks, so be sure to check those out aswell.

GTA San Andreas PC: Save Game fix!
Posted by adamcs at 17:00. Category: General

Many people have reported that their GTASA PC save game files are corrupt and are failing to load. Now, Madlib from GTA Connection has posted a manual fix at our forum, which corrects the error.

If you are one of the people that is experiencing the problem, be sure to check our Madlib's topic.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005
GTA San Andreas PC Cheats
Posted by adamcs at 20:14. Category: General

edisoncarter just sent me a whole bunch of GTA San Andreas PC cheats, currently untested. As with the PS2 version, there are multiple valid combinations for each cheat, so below we have listed the shortest possible combinations:

"It could take some time to find the intended textual words."

The following cheats were not implemented:

  • Drive On Water
  • Do Nothing
  • Hookers Pay You

LXGIWYL = Weapon Set 1, Thug's Tools
KJKSZPJ = Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools
UZUMYMW = Weapon Set 3, Nutter Tools
HESOYAM = Health, Armor, $250k
OSRBLHH = Increase Wanted Level Two Stars
ASNAEB = Clear Wanted Level
AFZLLQLL = Sunny Weather
ICIKPYH = Very Sunny Weather
ALNSFMZO = Overcast Weather
AUIFRVQS = Rainy Weather
CFVFGMJ = Foggy Weather
YSOHNUL = Faster Clock
PPGWJHT = Faster Gameplay
LIYOAAY = Slower Gameplay
AJLOJYQY = Peds Attack Each Other, Get Golf Club
BAGOWPG = Have a bounty on your head
FOOOXFT = Everyone is armed
AIWPRTON = Spawn Rhino
CQZIJMB = Spawn Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH = Spawn Rancher
PDNEJOH = Spawn Racecar
VPJTQWV = Spawn Racecar
AQTBCODX = Spawn Romero
KRIJEBR = Spawn Stretch
UBHYZHQ = Spawn Trashmaster
RZHSUEW = Spawn Caddy
CPKTNWT = Blow Up All Cars
XICWMD = Invisible car
PGGOMOY = Perfect Handling
SZCMAWO = Suicide
ZEIIVG = All green lights
YLTEICZ = Aggressive Drivers
LLQPFBN = Pink traffic
IOWDLAC = Black traffic
AFSNMSMW = Boats fly
JYSDSOD = Max Muscle
KVGYZQK = Skinny
ASBHGRB = Elvis is Everywhere
BGLUAWML = Peds Attack You With Weapons, Rocket Launcher
CIKGCGX = Beach Party
MROEMZH = Gang Members Everywhere
BIFBUZZ = Gangs Control the Streets
AFPHULTL = Ninja Theme
BEKKNQV = Slut Magnet
BGKGTJH = Traffic is Cheap Cars
GUSNHDE = Traffic is Fast Cars
RIPAZHA = Cars Fly
JHJOECW = Huge Bunny Hop
JUMPJET = Spawn Hydra
KGGGDKP = Spawn Vortex Hovercraft
JCNRUAD = Smash n' Boom
COXEFGU = All Cars Have Nitro
BSXSGGC = Cars Float Away When Hit
XJVSNAJ = Always Midnight
OFVIAC = Orange Sky 21:00
MGHXYRM = Thunderstorm
CWJXUOC = Sandstorm
LFGMHAL = Mega Jump
BAGUVIX = Infinite Health
CVWKXAM = Infinite Oxygen
AIYPWZQP = Have Parachute
YECGAA = Have Jetpack
AEZAKMI = Never Wanted
LJSPQK = Six Star Wanted Level
IAVENJQ = Mega Punch
AEDUWNV = Never Get Hungry
IOJUFZN = Riot Mode
PRIEBJ = Funhouse Theme
MUNASEF = Adrenaline Mode
WANRLTW = Infinite Ammo, No Reload
OUIQDMW = Full Weapon Aiming While Driving
THGLOJ = Reduced Traffic
FVTMNBZ = Traffic is Country Vehicles
SJMAHPE = Recruit Anyone (9mm)
BMTPWHR = Country Vehicles and Peds, Get Born 2 Truck Outfit
ZSOXFSQ = Recruit Anyone (Rockets)
OGXSDAG = Max Respect
EHIBXQS = Max Sex Appeal
VKYPQCF = Taxis Have Nitrous, L3 Bunny Hop
NCSGDAG = Hitman In All Weapon Stats
VQIMAHA = Max All Vehicle Skill Stats
OHDUDE = Spawn Hunter
AKJJYGLC = Spawn Quad
AMOMHRER = Spawn Tanker Truck
EEGCYXT = Spawn Dozer
URKQSRK = Spawn Stunt Plane
AGBDLCID = Spawn Monster

Related Link: GTAForums Topic "San Andreas Editing Begins!"
Posted by DigitalD at 15:37. Category: General

Our own Delfi of GTA Tools has cracked the San Andreas TXD format. He's got the first application up which can rip graphics from San Andreas. Saving will be implemented at a later date.

download txd workshop san andreas beta

More First Impressions
Posted by illspirit at 11:21. Category: General

So, you've grabbed a copy of the game from the local shop, but the dvdrom you ordered online two days ago hasn't been delivered yet, what do you do? Sure, you could go over to a friend's house to play, but then who wants to gather around a keyboard and an LCD moniter to play? The answer's simple really, you just round up some mates and head down to the cinema you just happen to have keys to, and have one of them bring their PC along. Okay, that's probably not the simple answer, but it that's what I did...

The video: Sharp XGP25X projector + custom PC The audio: Dolby CP650 + a few thousand watts of power
San Andreas: life-sized Editing handling.cfg in a giant Notepad!

The basic setup went something like this: A custom built PC with a P4, a gig or two of RAM, and an NVidia GeForce FX5900, running at 1024x768, with the draw distance, AA, and visual FX cranked all the way up. This was ran via DVI into the industrial strength Sharp XGP25X digital projector, and the audio off to the cinema sound system (think subwoofers the size of a small car!). The results? Well, "wow" just doesn't cover it. Naturally, I've seen all the screenshots (and played a bit at a friends house before we headed to the cinema), but seeing it on a "monitor" bigger than the side of my whole freakin' house was simply mind blowing. Even though each pixel was probably about two inches across, the texture detail is simply amazing. Compared to Vice City, the jump up in resolution is like the difference between the N64 and the PS2; especially on the roads and store fronts. And, yes, we've played VC on this setup too, so it wasn't just the big screen that made it look nice.

The next bit that jumped out and slapped me in the face was the shadows. Judging by the pre-release screens, there was some concern floating about the intraweb (myself included) that the shadows were too light and wouldn't be all that noticeable. After playing for a while though, I'd have to say we were just plain wrong. Between the subtle rays of, erm, dark casting across cars and peds from power lines, to the volume shadows when you go under a bridge or something, they really do look quite nice. And it's not just eye candy either. Not only does it add to the general immersion, but just wait until you think you've made a clean getaway from the cops, only to see the shadow of that damn heli creep over you. Fun stuff.

On top of the aforementioned graphical updrades, the other big thing to be excited about is the draw distance. However, in that deparment, the screenshots really do speak for themselves. Now, I know there were some fears about pop-in and such after that big 20 mintute preview video the other day, but rest assured, the draw distance is simply vast (assuming you have the hardware to run it maxed out). As in the video, the only time pop-in is really an issue is when you turn around really fast, or on occasion when trees appear rather abruptly out of the fog. Or, of course, you might have some problems if you mod your Shamal to go like 10 times faster than the missles being fired at you from angry Hydra pilots, but something like that is to be expected.

Anyhoo, I could go on for hours about other stuff such as the MIP mapping, LOD streaming, and, say, actually being able to *read* street signs and license plates for a change, but this is probably already getting too long. Alas, the only real bad part about tonight's preview was that I couldn't get any more good action shots off the screen. The rest came out blurry from the movement and/or from trying to auto focus a digital camera in low light on a shiny mylar screen. Hopefully FedEx brings me that dvdrom soon...

First San Andreas PC Trainers
Posted by DigitalD at 11:20. Category: General

I came across the first trainers for GTA San Andreas PC in the morning today.They're nothing fancy, but they should help you through seeing we have no PC cheats at this point. Run these trainers alongside the game, Alt+Tab out and choose your options.

Download ReVOLVeR +4 Trainer (92KB/RAR) - Gives you "god mode," unlimited ammo, money and time..
Download ReeBSaW Money Trainer (96KB/RAR) - Gives you $10,000,000 instantly.

Official Site Updates, First Reviews
Posted by DigitalD at 11:15. Category: General

Rockstar games announced earlier on that some updates have been made to the official Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Xbox and PC sites. The video section of the PC version site has been updated with two video clips. First first one shows a Hunter helicopter flying around the desert and the second shows off the urban area of Los Santos. Both are quite spectacular visually, I recommend having a look at them. Expect our GTA San Andreas videos page to be updated with some of our own in-house video clips too!

Furthermore, the Xbox version site has been udpdated with 4 new screenshots. Here is a selection and the rest can be found at the GTA San Andreas Xbox screenshots page.

Some gaming sites have already written up reviews for the two ports. Gamespot gave the PC version a 9.0, whereas the Xbox got a 9.2. IGN decided the XBox was worth a 9.5. For more reviews see the GameRankings PC and Xbox pages.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005
First San Andreas PC Impressions
Posted by DigitalD at 23:02. Category: General

San Andreas PC at 1680x1050, full visuals, 2xAA

I just had a chance to install and play San Andreas PC for a few minutes and completed the introductory mission. I must say I am very pleased with the quality of the graphics and the gameplay so far. The mouse look is inverted as default so that felt a bit strange, but after some quick rummaging around the settings I managed to get the game playing very smoothly. For anyone not sure whether to get this game, I would say it's a must. Now back to get some more missions done! Expect some gameplay videos soon.

GTA San Andreas Xbox Cheats
Posted by DigitalD at 20:36. Category: General

Our Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas cheats page has received a slight rearrangement with the introduction of the new ports. The PS2 cheats have remained on the main cheats page, but will be accompanied by the PC and Xbox cheats. There are also individual cheats pages for the different systems for quicker navigation: GTA San Andreas PC cheats, GTA San Andreas XBOX cheats and GTA San Andreas PS2 cheats. The PC and Xbox cheats pages are under construction at this point, but they will be up in a matter of days. It seems that the game exe file is encrypted so it will take a little time to find the PC cheats, but the Xbox cheats can be quickly derived from the PS2 cheats using this method.

In short, here are a few of the most important cheats to keep you busy, and the San Andreas Xbox cheats page will be updated with all the known cheats in a bit.

$250,000, Full Health, Full Armour
R Trigger, Black, L Trigger , A, Left , Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Infinite Health (Except for: explosions, drowning, falling)
Down, A, Right, Left, Right, R Trigger, Right, Down, Up, Y

Cars Can Fly
X, Down, White, Up, L Trigger, B, Up, A, Left

Super Lung Capacity (Infinite Air)
Down, Left, L Trigger, Down, Down, Black, Down, White, Down

Infinite Ammo
L Trigger, R Trigger, X, R Trigger, Left, Black, R Trigger, Left, X, Down, L Trigger, L Trigger

Weapon Set 1
R Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Weapon Set 2
R Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left

Weapon Set 3
R Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left , Down, Down, Down

Enjoy the game and visit our San Andreas Xbox & PC forums.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC & Xbox Out In North America
Posted by DigitalD at 05:13. Category: General

The east coast of North America will be waking up in a few hours, which means game retailers will also be opening soon. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has officially been released today for the PC and Xbox platforms in North America. If you haven't preordered the game, stop by a local retailer, pick up a copy of the game and come to our forums to share your first impressions. Stay tuned as the day progresses as we will hopefully be bringing you cheats and anything else we can dig up!

For those in Europe and Australia, the game will be coming out on Friday so just a few more days to wait. Meanwhile we have updated the San Andreas Xbox screenshots and San Andreas PC screenshots pages with new material from our friends at Rockstar!

San Andreas PC Screenshots from Rockstar Games

Monday, June 06, 2005
San Andreas PC Packaging
Posted by adamcs at 19:12. Category: General

The following image was posted on our forum, showing the GTA San Andreas PC packaging.

Someone was able to buy a copy of the game from "Bart Smit."

PC Technical Details
Posted by illspirit at 08:10. Category: General

Following up the early first-hand impressions of the game, a handful of new technical details have emerged. Most interesting of which, is that the video menu now seems to have an option to enable MIP Mapping. For those unfamiliar with the term, basically, MIP Mapping is a technique used to smooth out textures as they get further away from the camera. This will help reduce some of the flicker or "shimmering" of detailed/high contrast tetxures (such as bricks) which was rather noticeable in both GTAIII and Vice City for the PC.

Another new option said to be in San Andreas is the abilty to adjust anti-aliasing settings from the game. While not a major technical breakthrough by any means, it will make tweaking video settings quite a bit easier than having to exit the game to adjust them from desktop display options every time.

A First Hand Account of San Andreas PC
Posted by DigitalD at 05:47. Category: General

NavOmicron, the bloke who was able to purchase GTA San Andreas for the PC and take some screenshots, was kind enough to answer some questions for us. Since everyone is curious about the PC those screenshots were taken on, it is a Pentium 4 3.4GHZ with a GeForce 6800 graphics card and 2GB of RAM. Apparently there were no performance problems in 1280x1024x32 with max view distance - with frame limiter on the game hovered at around 25fps. Without frame limiter at 1280x1024x32, 2xAA and all visual options maxed, the game played at around 35-50fps.

6 San Andreas PC Screenshots at 1280x1024x32, 2xAA

Nav bought the game at a Wal-mart in Garland, Texas after having heard that someone else had managed to purchase a copy there. Here is a brief Q&A with him.

Have you been following San Andreas news prior to the release before you saw the game?
Yes, it made holding off buying a PS/2 hard, I liked the first 2 a lot, I have them both on PC and Vice City for the Xbox.

How did you end up finding the game in Walmart? Were you there just by accident?
No, it was mentioned in a SomethingAwful post, I'm looking for the original poster. "Krakken" picked it up Friday night at his local Wal-mart. I was there and thought I'd check just on a whim, I got lucky-they had probably 6 copies right underneath a big sign proclaiming the June 7th release date. I grabbed 2 and verified they were the real deal and then I checked for Xbox versions, they had none out.

What was your initial reaction? You knew someone else had gotten the PC version at Wal-mart but were you still surprised?
I was really surprised since I had only seen that one other guy had posted about finding it. I called up a friend of mine and asked if he wanted me to buy him a copy, he didn't believe me. Another friend went tonight after seeing me play and called me from the store, either they had pulled them or sold them all.

Is there still a frame limiter option in the display setup?
Yes, the frame rate is locked at 25 with it enabled.

Have you tried switching it off and do you experience any slowdowns?
Game fluctuates between 35-50 with the Limiter disabled at 1280x1024x32 with all options maxed and 2x AntiAliasing.

Do the textures load alright in the game? In Vice City PC particularly with powerful graphics cards and at high resolutions the textures take a few seconds to load.. is this also the case with San Andreas on the PC?
You have to really look for it to notice it usually. Some spots it's worse then others (like the countryside where there is less visual clutter then the cities). Pop-up doesn't really bother me, but San Andreas fades things in from the fog plane so it's a lot smoother on your eyes.

What does the packaging look like? From the scans you posted earlier it looks like there is a hardcover manual?
Yes, 78 pages, it reads like a travel brochure-suggesting where to eat and what to see. There is also a single DVD and a big poster with CJ holding a gun on the front and a world map on the back.

Any gameplay observations you would like to add?
Well the cars like to fishtail a lot, but I'm going to assume that's because I have a very low driving skill, I've spent all my time on the bicycle so far. I like the motorcycles better in San Andreas, it's a lot easier to stay on the bike then it was in Vice City. Unlike Vice City you can destroy a good number of objects-fences break apart, light poles will break down into their components.

I guess the cops don't care about gangbangers as much, I noticed I can get away with a fair amount of mayhem as long as a cop doesn't physically witness me committing crimes.

Oh, and there is something else I haven't mentioned so I haven't seen it anywhere else, the controls are way different from Vice City. You have full control of the mouse when driving (unless you have mouse steer on) so you need to recenter your camera while driving. It takes some getting used to.

We have also put up the PC directory map in a small file. Notice the massive differences in file sizes compared to Vice City PC. Also, files such as popcycle.dat should give you an idea of how customisable the game is. Rockstar has given us the possibility of, among other things, customising the number of objects that are shown on-screen at a certain time of the day. Thanks a lot to NavOmicron for taking the time to answer our questions!

Sunday, June 05, 2005
Early San Andreas PC Screenshots
Posted by DigitalD at 22:01. Category: General

Updated: These screenshots are coming from Nav Omicron on the Something Awful forums. Apparently "there were 3-4 copies at the 24 hour Wal-mart Supercenter on I-30 in Garland Tx." This news post will be updated with new screenshots as they arrive.

Just as with Vice City, it seems that some stores have started selling Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the PC a little early. Someone on the (private) Something Awful forums managed to buy a copy of the game from Walmart and post some screenshots of the game in action. Most stores will not have the game in stock until Tuesday, but there are some reports coming that certain retailers will be selling the game on Monday night. Screenshots are in order from oldest to newest.

Screenshots by "Krakken" at 1024x768
Screenshots by "NavOmicron" at 1280x1024
Screenshots by "NavOmicron" at 1280x1024, 2xAA

Thanks to Nav Omicron for providing these screenshots! Discussion open at our forums topic.

Saturday, June 04, 2005
New GTA San Andreas Xbox Screens
Posted by adamcs at 02:47. Category: General

IGN have posted 6 brand new GTA San Andreas Xbox screenshots. The screens were also accompanied by this article, but sadly there's nothing in there that we didn't already know.

Just as a quick reminder, the Xbox version will be released on June 7th in the USA and June 10th in Europe/Australia. Pre-order your copy today by using the links at the top of this page.

Gamespot San Andreas Q&A session with Rockstar North pt. 2
Posted by Andy at 01:42. Category: General

Gamespot has posted another Q&A session with Rockstar North regarding game physics, AI and modding in the upcoming PC release. While most of the information will be old news for PS2 gamers (and quite a few PC gamers as well), technical details seem to have become much more "sophisticated" now that we're enterting the PC realm:

"The buoyancy forces that are applied through the physics engine are calculated based on the percent volume of an entity that is underwater. In the case of the CJ or characters, this is simply based on the height of the water level up the character's body as a percentage of their height. For a vehicle, we must sample the water level at various points across the volume of the vehicle, and use this to calculate the overall volume, as well at the center of buoyancy, which is the average position at which the buoyancy forces should be applied."

Other topics addressed include details regarding pedestrian behaviour and (seeing that this is the PC version after all) potential for 3rd party modifications.

Link: Gamespot article

Thursday, June 02, 2005
Full San Andreas PC Gameplay Footage
Posted by DigitalD at 22:01. Category: General

The 20 minute PC gameplay footage we reported about earlier is now up for download. Use either BitTorrent or BitComet to download the torrent file and get the download going. We decided the torrent file would let our visitors see the video without compromising the bandwidth of our server.

Exclusive Review This Month in PC Gamer
Posted by DigitalD at 19:37. Category: General

GamesIndustry writes that the coming issue of PC Gamer UK is going to have the world exclusive review of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC. I'm not sure how Future Publishing works with their magazines in different countries, so PC Gamer US might or might not also have a San Andreas review in the new issue. Look for PC Gamer UK on newstands on the 9th of June. We will have news up with the contents of the review once we have had a chance to see the magazine.

Alongside the definitive review of Rockstar's latest blockbuster game, the 150th issue of PC Gamer comes in a commemorative wallet and boasts one of four ultra limited-edition collectors' covers featuring characters from GTA: San Andreas. [...] "This milestone for PC Gamer is a time for celebration, and the team have reached it in style, securing the world exclusive first review of GTA: San Andreas amongst many other editorial treats."

Wednesday, June 01, 2005
PC Q&A: No Player Skins
Posted by DigitalD at 23:21. Category: General

GameSpot had a question and answer session about Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC with members of the Rockstar North team, including Obbe Vermeij, John Whyte and Chris Rothwell. There are 13 questions that have been answered. Bundled with the Q&A are four new screenshots.. although the last two look more like renders. Enjoy.

Also from what I can make out, player skinning won't be a feature right out of the box for the PC version. The representative said it would still be possible through "trial and error," but said it would be more difficult.

On a side note, the San Andreas Xbox screenshots gallery has been updated with all the screenshots that were going around last week.

San Andreas PC Gameplay Footage, Screenshots
Posted by adamcs at 18:24. Category: General


The latest issue of german magazine "PC Powerplay" contains 20 minutes of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC footage along with a multiple-page preview. You can download either a 10 second clip or a 3 minute clip of the footage. The videos are straight from the DVD disc bundled with the magazine, and the german commentary on the videos is explaining what's happening on the screen and the new features. The preview also has some interesting new confirmations:

  • The maximum resolution is 2048x1536.
  • The draw distance should be so good that from the Vinewood sign you should be able to see Las Venturas.
  • Pop ups and bad draw distance are "unfortunate phenomenons" and should be things of the past.

The last point could be debatable judging by the bad draw distance and empty roads seen in the video. Also notice the lack of shadows, although almost every preview indicated we would be seeing real time shadows.

We have added 39 new images to our SA:PC screenshot gallery. Check them out!

(Thanks to & for the screenshots)

Don't forget to register free at our forum and discuss this topic.

Source: &

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