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News for July, 2004

Saturday, July 31, 2004
The Tattoos of San Andreas
Posted by illspirit at 13:30. Category: General

I was just browsing the intraweb, as you do, when I found a brief article about SanAn over at Slashdot. 'Tis mostly just a recap of the info from the new IGN article, but new to me was a link to Mister Cartoon's website. In case you've been under a rock or otherwise missed what I'm on about, Mister Cartoon is the rather famous tattoo artist Rockstar consulted while working on the game. So if you want an idea of what some of the ink in SanAn might be like, go have a look around the site.

Huge Gamespot Preview
Posted by Andy at 01:18. Category: General

"To a certain degree, it's almost impossible for a game as highly anticipated as GTA: San Andreas to fail. The appearance of a single screenshot, detail, or even the smallest rumor engenders a feeding frenzy you don't often see outside of a school of starved piranha."

When previews come, they certainly do come big. Gamespot has spared no expense in treating us to one heck of a preview this time round.

Much like the IGN preview that we reported on earlier today, this huge 6-page preview looks at some of the new features in San Andreas - as well as the bits improved upon from previous games.

From weight training to amazing new visuals, here's some of the highlights of this immense preview:

  • Carjacking has gotten a whole lot tougher. No longer will civilians just give up their wheels to a wandering thug.
  • In response to this, CJ has a variety of ways to pursuade drivers into surrendering their vehicle. The most interesting method so far? Smashing the guy's head off of the dashboard. It seems to work quite well.
  • Missions will be more open-ended then in Vice or GTA3, blurring the lines between when you're on a mission and when you're not.
  • Stats have a whole lot more meaning now. The more you shoot, the more accurate you become. The more you find yourself behind the wheel of a car, the more skilled you become at driving, and so on.
  • In addition to building up strength at the gym, you can also learn new fighting techniques (think True Crime). Depending on where you are in SA, the fighting techniques you learn will vary.
  • Speaking of fighting, you can now lock onto opponents during hand-to-hand combat. This makes it much easier to bust up a few faces and break a few jawbones... not that we approve of that sort of behaviour, of course. CJ can now block attacks in melee combat, as well.
  • The Police chopper searchlight now serves a much more important purpose. When shining down on you, you'll find that the searchlight impaires your ability to see clearly, making it harder to drive and shoot.
  • San Andreas will include tons of licensed music, similar to Vice City. You can expect more of it, too, since there are quite a few radio stations available throughout SA.

In addition to this massive article, Gamespot has also released some astounding new screenshots.

Related Links: Article, SA Screenshots

Friday, July 30, 2004
New IGN exclusive!
Posted by Andy at 22:59. Category: General

After being treated to a live demonstration of San Andreas at Rockstar's new New York HQ, IGN brings us yet another exclusive look at the latest GTA installment.

The article contains never before seen screenshots and all new information, focusing on 4 new features (either brand new or improvements on existing ones) that are bound to make San Andreas just as revolutionary -- if not moreso -- than it's predecessors.

"In the case of Rockstar's October-bound Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, the pressure and expectations of its fans don't seem to compare to the strain that the developers are putting on themselves. Determined to create a product so far beyond what people are anticipating, they're working tirelessly day and night to ensure that it's not only the best Grand Theft Auto we ever seen, but also the single best videogame we've ever played."

Here's a few highlights of the article:

  • Much like hairstyles, tattoos will be available to customize the look of CJ.
  • Depending on where you are in San Andreas, the style of tattoos will change.
  • You can use the right analog stick to move the camera -- both in vehicles and on foot.
  • When using a gun, the right analog stick lets you aim with any and all ranged weapons.
  • You no longer have to stay in a fixed position while aiming.
  • You can aim with the R-Stick while running and strafing with the Left analog stick.
  • You can look in any direction, even when you're driving.
  • Cars get dirty (even rust), and in turn you can now take em' through the car wash.
  • Gangs now sport their own "social" clique. Have a good enough relationship inside the gang and they'll always be watching your back.
  • Gangs are now smarter and have improved tactics, and act according to the situation they're in. What might've gotten you out of rival turf once may not work a second time.

Related Links: Article, SA Screenshots

New Assets from R*
Posted by adamcs at 21:35. Category: General

Rockstar just sent us ten screenshots (Although one of them was already featured on the official site). All screenshots were featured earlier this summer in Game Informer and PSM.

Check out all screenshots here.

Related Link: GTAForums Topic

Gamespot: San Andreas preview Today
Posted by Andy at 00:36. Category: General

This week's edition of On the Spot (Gamespot's weekly gaming webcast) announced that there will be more San Andreas goodies revealed today. Amongst the stuff to be revealed includes -- you guessed it -- more exclusive info.

We're all eagerly anticipating the latest addition in Gamespot's recent coverage of San Andreas, as well as the next San Andreas Saturday special.

Related links: On the Spot, Gamespot's SA Gamespace

Thursday, July 29, 2004
Previews section updated.
Posted by Andy at 16:06. Category: General

Just a little note that our previews section has been updated with the new September publications (GamesTM, GMR, Gamestar and PSM2UK), as well as the Bravo Screenfun preview from August.

GamesTM Preview
Posted by adamcs at 12:33. Category: General

New details about San Andreas emerge, as Australian magazine GamesTM publish a twelve-page preview.

The article focuses on the linking of cities, and the areas between those cities, i.e the countryside and the twelve small towns.

So if you follow a pedestrian, say in the morning he gets up, goes out of his house, you'll see that they have a destination to go to, they go to work, go to the store, meet up with a girl..
- Jeff Castenada, Rockstar Games

  • The change between city and countryside is gradual.
  • The air in Los Santos has a bright, gritty feel, and occasional bursts of rain; San Fierro is foggy; Las Venturas has clear air and harsh lights; the countryside has a warmer, more natural vibe to it.
  • The game has an improved use of partical effects. Exhaust smoke, tyres kicking up dirt, clouds of smoke when you stand on the brakes, and sparks flying from bullets.
  • Carjacking animations have improved. Rather than pulling the driver out of the vehicle, CJ opens the door, wacks him in the face, and throws him onto the road.
  • Country music is confirmed and will probably be picked up through radio stations in the countryside and small suburban towns
  • Kendall is angry with CJ because he wasn't around to help the family.
  • The number of recorded stats has increased. There will be a stat for just about everything you do; driving motorcycles, driving cars, swimming, running, sprinting and so on.
  • Pedestrians call obese Carl a 'fat ba*tard'. Even your own gang members say "dude, you need to lose some weight".
  • The pedestrian AI has improved greatly. You may see two pedestrians walking down a street, holding hands. If you break them apart, they'll react, and hold hands again.
  • Each pedestrian lives a different life. You can literally 'stalk' a pedestrian, watch he/she get out of their house, goto a shop, meet up with a girl, and go home again (for example).
  • Mt. Chilliad casts a massive shadow. All shadows are drawn by radiosity lighting, which covers the entire map.

Related Links: FSEPortal, GTAForums Topic

New Editorial - "What's next for Grand Theft Auto? Pt. I" & Another Online Screenshot
Posted by DigitalD at 11:13. Category: General

Nobody can give you a better idea of what Rockstar might have in store next for the Grand Theft Auto series, than our expert writer Candarelli. In the first of a series of articles, Candarelli discusses what a massive multiplayer GTA game would entail, and how he would imagine it.

Shortly after the release of “Vice City” the name “Crime Online” surfaced somewhere through the confusion that internet gaming sites provide, but traces of its existence quickly subsided. I’m here to bring it back though, except I’m going to detail exactly how such a title would be if the mastermind behind its production was me. My concept is as follows: Crime Online is a MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role-playing game) with its roots in different cities rife with crime and all around grit. You must control your custom player in real time through a city filled with other players like yourself… you must climb the ladder.

Read the whole article now, or check for more reading materials on the articles page.

GTA San Andreas

On another note, we've located another digital copy of a screenshot that has been published in several magazines over the months.

Thanks to Gamestar for that, and look for more digital screenshots -- none of that scanned low-resolution crap -- on our redesigned screenshots page.

GMR Article
Posted by adamcs at 00:03. Category: General

GMR Magazine has published an article containing various new details about the gameplay aspects of San Andreas:

  • Other towns in San Andreas include: Shady Creeks, Flint County, Whetstone, Fern Ridge, and Red County
  • Each city will have it's own airport, with an accessible Dodo
  • It's possible to pickup hitchhikers
  • CJ can operate tow trucks
  • You can adjust the camera angle using the right analog stick
  • A myriad of different outfits are at your disposal

More details coming soon.

Related Links: GTAForums Topic

Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Two More Screenshots Online
Posted by DigitalD at 19:42. Category: General

The new camper van on the left, and on the right volumetric heli lighting.

Bravo ScreenFun has just sent us a couple of exclusive screenshots from their huge exclusive preview in the August '04 issue. If you haven't picked up the magazine already, it's available in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland until August 17th. Also, be on the lookout for their September issue which hits shelves on August 18th.

Unfortunately Bravo Screenfun gave us exclusive rights to these images, and digital copies are only allowed to be published on

Don't forget to check out our new poll: What's next for Grand Theft Auto after "San Andreas"? Submit your opinion on the right side of the page!

Gamestar Preview
Posted by adamcs at 19:40. Category: General

German magazine Gamestar (September Issue) have released a two page San Andreas preview, with several new details:

  • CJ has access to various weapons: Uzis, Shotgun, M16, Pistol (Similar to the May Payne Double-Pistol)
  • The number of radio stations has tripled since Vice City, and all radio stations play 'unique' songs
  • Pedestrians will comment negatively or positively on CJ's appearance
  • Many of the vehicles in GTA3 are expected to return, aswell as updated versions of the Vice City vehicles.

Related Links: LSD, GTAForums Topic

The Dark Side of San Andreas
Posted by Andy at 04:06. Category: General

Another article joins our collection here at GTASanAn!

PyroHazard, of, has sent in an article concerning the new features in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Similar to Candarelli's "Pitfalls of San Andreas" series, The Dark Side of San Andreas looks at what could go wrong with the new gadgets in SA.

Also, if you haven't already, be sure to check out our other articles if you're in the mood for some light reading. And if that's not enough, you can head down to our forums to discuss them.

Want to send in your own article?

Go ahead, share your thoughts! GTASanAn is always on the lookout for new editorials to put up. Check out the official forum topic for more information.

And don't forget - keep checking back on for the latest in news & updates regarding San Andreas.

Monday, July 26, 2004
PSM2 Feature
Posted by adamcs at 20:58. Category: General

PSM2 Magazine (UK) have released a 4-page GTA San Andreas feature. The feature focused mainly on mission scripts, from the demo they were shown by Rockstar.

If you were to make the two stand side by side, CJ would make Tommy look like a cartoon
- Playstation Magazine UK

Some minor details were released:

  • After the logo screen loads up, a large map sparks up, with options for Select, Options, Audio and Display.
  • The map was "an approximately America shaped large, fat, empty, beige shape, save for a square in the bottom right corner, occupying less than a quarter of the total map available. This was Los Santos"
  • A haircut doesn't come cheap, at $500
  • In the mission 'Menace', it takes three passes before all of the Ballas are face down on the sidewalk.

PSM2 also promised a huge feature in next months issue.

Related Links: GTAForums Topic

The Pitfalls of "San Andreas" Pt. II
Posted by Canofceleri at 17:52. Category: General

The second installment of my controversial series of articles is up and ready to read.

"San Andreas… where gats and thugs make way for happy meals and the Hamburglar..." "...the majority do not want it [the dietary feature] to become a bothersome gameplay device. While a crime game that could be compared with EA smash PC game “The Sims” would be cool in theory, most fans don’t want to have a virtual mini-me to upkeep with. And the thought of having to stop in the middle of a high-octane revenge mission to stop for some fries and a shake is all too close to reality for comfort."

You can read the full article here.

Saturday, July 24, 2004
San Andreas' Food Preview
Posted by CaliGangstar at 23:22. Category: General

Gamespot have posted their first weekly preview of San Andreas today that Leo reported about last night. This week's preview focuses on the food that will be available to eat and the effects they have on CJ. While we already know the basics of the eating system, Gamespot released the following new information:

  • Instead of making us guess when we should eat, R* has implemented a message to appear onscreen whenever CJ is hungry.
  • If you don't eat or eat too much, not only do your abilities and appearance suffer, but your clothes won't fit anymore either.
  • Along with the Well Stacked Pizza pizzeria we already know about, 2 of the restaurants available to eat at are the Cluckin' Bell and Burger Shot.
  • Cluckin' Bell's menu is focused on chicken items such as the Cluckin' Big Filet Burger, the Cluckin' Huge Double Filet, a wings-pieces bucket and a fowl wrap burrito.
  • Burger Shot's menu is just like any other burger joint; offering items like the Double Barreled Burger to eat.
  • If you need to eat but are on the go, stop at one of the vending carts located throughout San Andreas for a quick bite.
  • Each food item has a specific caloric value which you must monitor because they affect how CJ's energy and fat levels increase.
  • If you eat too much at one time CJ will throw up.

San Andreas is being crafted to be an ambitious entry in the franchise, even by Grand Theft Auto's own revolutionary standards. While the core experience will stick close to Rockstar's winning formula of gritty criminal mayhem, San Andreas will also feature a host of new gameplay features that will make the world you'll explore even more interactive.
- Gamespot

Along with this slew of new information, Gamespot put up 9 new screenshots.

CJ, looking good! (Left), Obese Carl and the OGF (Right)

Check out the rest of the screenshots here.

Related Links: Gamespot, GTAForums Topic

Articles Section
Posted by DigitalD at 21:18. Category: General

Through expanding our site, we've reached out and made an articles section. It will develop into a sort of rants page about things we're not pleased about, or any speculative writing whatsoever. Two articles there already, you might want to give them a read! See the main articles page for descriptions of both articles.

Fansites, Screenshots, and Magazines
The Pitfalls of “San Andreas” Pt. 1
Seedy San Fierro Speculation

On another note, we've put up a weapons page, since there aren't any legal screenshots to use for weapons, we've used some photographs and put our page together from them. Should definitely be more interesting than a simple bulleted list.

Friday, July 23, 2004
Gamespot: San Andreas Coverage
Posted by adamcs at 15:54. Category: General

Gamespot are to begin showing San Andreas coverage this Saturday 24th July (Tomorrow). It was confirmed during the latest episode of 'On The Spot', Gamespot's live video games show.

Everybody's been asking for GTA San Andreas stuff, even us! [Laughs]. And we've got the beginnings of some really cool stuff for you. Beginning this Saturday, about once a week, we're going to be bringing you something. We don't want to give too much away, but we have just a little appetizer for you, just to kick things off on the coverage. We'll definitely have this little piece go up on Saturday, and we're looking to have a preview for it up sometime next week.
- Ricardo Torres, Gamespot

Related Link: On The Spot, GTAForums Topic, Source: GTAGaming

Wednesday, July 21, 2004
New Details
Posted by adamcs at 07:42. Category: General

Screenfun Magazine

German magazine 'Screenfun' has released four new screenshots and a sketched map, in a recent San Andreas preview.

The map is certainly not official, although it does indicate the positions of each city - and where to expect particular landmarks. The twelve 'small' towns are also marked, and Mount Chiliad is placed between Los Santos/San Fierro (As expected)

New vehicles include: A new type of tractor, a full-winged dodo, and a motorhome.

  • The twelve small towns often consist of only two junctions and a few buildings, featuring a liquor store, backery, pottery and much more.
  • When flying, the radar map changes and shows a horizon, so orientation is easier.
  • Realistic truck trailer physics

One screenshot shows the LSPD Chopper, pointing the spotlight towards an articulated truck; Demonstrarting the new lighting system. Other screenshots include: A tractor, driving across farmland (With astonishing detail); a motorhome driving through countryside; and the full-winged dodo passing over a residential area.

Remember to Read more for a short summary of the magazine.

Related Links:, CodenameSA, GTAForums Topic

Read More

Screenfun Preview
Posted by adamcs at 00:22. Category: General

German magazine 'Screenfun' learned (exclusively), that GTA San Andreas will feature a total of twelve small towns. (Two, which we have already heard about; Angel Pine and Dillamore)

Players encounter twelve small towns, witty new vehicles, tasks and figures.
- Screenfun

The website also published two of the screenshots featured in 'Play' Magazine.

Our first glimpse of San Andreas countryside

The magazine is released tomorrow, and is 'likely' to contain new information - Stay tuned.

Related Links:, GTAForums Topic

Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Strategy Guide Now Available for Preorder
Posted by DigitalD at 16:10. Category: General

Just a quick note for you San Andreas fans. Gamestop has started accepting preorders for the Brady Games Official GTA San Andreas Strategy Guide.

Something interesting to note is that the estimated release date is 1st of October. As we know San Andreas is shipping on the 19th, and knowing Rockstar Games is not the company to release a strategy game before the game itself, we are guessing the date will be revised.

Remember that our partnersite PlanetGrandTheftAuto is in the process of conducting an interview with Tim Bogenn, the author of BradyGames' official strategy guides for GTA3, GTA Vice City AND GTA San Andreas. Tim is at the moment working on a strategy guide for another game, but will be off to play and write the strategy guide for San Andreas in August. The interview will be up very soon!

Related links: Product Description, GTAForums topic, Tim Bogenn interview topic.

No Gamecube = No Surprise
Posted by DigitalD at 15:33. Category: General

Gamespy's weekly column, the Biz Buzz, confirmed that San Andreas will not be appearing on Nintendo's Gamecube console. This comes as no surprise, as neither Vice City nor GTA3 supported Nintendo's Gamecube console.

Strangely enough, Gosen also was directly critical of the Grand Theft Auto series as a violent game, calling it "a dead-end street." He also stated that he doesn't like the idea of having to defend his company from the issue of violent games, [...] and, really, I'd like to hear Gosen say that he'd recommend against Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas launching exclusively on GameCube -- if he had the opportunity to take it away from Sony Computer Entertainment -- before his other competitors get it.

Related links: Gamespy's Biz Buzz (June 14th), Partnersite GTA Scraper.

Fake Internet Track Leaks & Confirmed Soundtrack News
Posted by Canofceleri at 14:21. Category: General

In a press release from OPS2 themselves, it's been revealed that the tracklisting which leaked on the internet and presented as fact recently really just turned out to be a magazine wishlist.

"No sooner had we scribbled down our kill-along wish list than it turned up all over the internet. Only it was reported as fact," says a rep from OPS2 magazine. Thanks to Stefaan from the forums for that.

We do however have a scoop on confirmed tracks in the game. Death Row Records had this to say on the news section of their site:

"We have three songs from our catalog appearing on the upcoming Rockstar Games release 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas'. The songs that will be playing while you jack cars, recruit gang members, and make drug deals are 'Let Me Ride', 'Nuthin' But A G Thang', and 'Gin & Juice'. The game will be released October 2004."

It would appear that the soundtrack news has been removed from, most likely a repeat of the Frank Vincent fiasco where someone working with Rockstar gave out information that was not meant to be released. Obviously this soundtrack information was not to be known, but slipped, and Rockstar made them clean up.

Related Links: Playstation News, Deathrow Records, GTAForums Topic

Monday, July 19, 2004
EGM Article
Posted by adamcs at 22:30. Category: General

The Septermber issue of EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly) contains a three-page San Andreas article, with thirteen screenshots, a summary of the main story, and an interview with Jeff Castenada. (Rockstar PR Director)

Sparks, parts and pedestrians fly, motorcycle police lose control and cling to the trunk of your car and politicians find plenty of reason to cry foul when a ludicrously low-flying helicopter purees a cop.
- Electronic Gaming Monthly

Although none of the screenshots were 'new', EGM released the following details:

  • Three hairstyles featured in the game include: dripping Jheri Curls, a fashionable afro, and a towering flattop.
  • When asked about CJ's relationship with a female character in the game, Jeff said "we know something we won't tell."
  • When asked if Dave Chappelle would voice CJ, Jeff said "that certainly would be cool."

Source: Partnersite PlanetGrandTheftAuto.

Friday, July 16, 2004
PSM Italy Preview
Posted by adamcs at 23:13. Category: General

PSM Italy

PSM Italy (Issue #25) have published a GTA:San Andreas preview, outlining many of the new features we saw in previous articles.

Although a majority of the information was already known, one or two interesting statements were made:

Do you think that last GTA was one of the longest games ever created? Dan Houser says that he cannot find any way to complete the game in less than 150 hours.
- Playstation 2 Magazine (Italy)

  • Rockstar told PSM that in the final version of the game, CJ may have the ability to alter his tattoos.
  • The biggest motion capture study of the west coast took place, in order to produce the GTA:San Andreas cut-scenes.

Related Links: GTA-Series, GTANetwork (Italy), GTAForums Topic

Mysterious Female Character
Posted by EvanS at 13:05. Category: General

With the recent release of Play Magazine we have been delivered a scattering of whole new information to get us even more hungry for the release of San Andreas. One of the more intriguing facts released was that there will be a mysterious female character found in San Andreas from a past GTA title.

CJ's forest hideout (or at least one of them) is also home to an as yet unamed female character. We're told we'll be pleasantly suprised when we find out exactly who she is. Apparently she's from a previous GTA....
- Play Magazine

Who could this female character from past GTA's be? A few names come to mind, some of these include Asuka Kasen, Maria, Mercedes Cortez and even Misty. Some information points us in the direction that Catalina is the mysterious women hiding out in San Andreas.

Asked why they thought she was now living in Liberty City, our sources said, "We raided her apartment last week in one of those funny towns down south with a Spanish name, Los Something or other, or San Somebody, and we found a ticket with a flight to Francis International Airport.
- Liberty Tree

Not even Play Magazine know who this mysterious female is as they claim that while they had their San Andreas demonstration another player model was used in replacement. Who could this mysterious female be?

Thursday, July 15, 2004
Play Magazine Preview Summary - Proper
Posted by DigitalD at 22:17. Category: General

"prepare yourself for the biggest most ambitious grand theft auto to date"

Yesterday's summary of the Play magazine preview was made from incomplete and blurry scans, today we were able to read the article in its complete form thanks to rory @ gtaxtreme. Just because of the scale of the new information, we think it deserves a proper summary.

GTA San Andreas

The August Play Magazine UK (issue 118) has a 10-page feature on GTA San Andreas. Rockstar have begun showing publications areas outside of Los Santos, particularly the countryside, and this article focuses greatly on that.

One screenshot shows CJ and Ryder, talking outside The Well Stacked Pizza (Similar screenshot published in OPM Australia) from a new angle. Another shows the OGF cycling down a city street on BMX Bycicles, whilst others, introduce the idea of countryside in San Andreas; Men in lumberjack shirts, an American farm, and a forest hideout, home to the ‘mysterious’ character R* haven’t told us about. Several screenshots focus on forestry, and we witness many new vehicles; articulated trucks, sanchez bikes, a combine harvester, quad bikes and the return of the Walton. We also catch our first glimpse of Mount Chiliad, nearly half a mile high with spectacular countryside views from the top.

you can't miss the scale of the great outdoors and the freedom it affords

Read more for the summary split into sections.

Related link: topic.

Read More

Supposed Soundtrack List
Posted by adamcs at 21:09. Category: General

A fairly large french gaming site has posted a listing of songs they say is going to be on the GTA: San Andreas soundtrack.

We cannot confirm the authenticity of this list, but judging by when these songs were released, it seems authentic.

After the incredible success of GTA Vice City, Rockstar continues to pay big name singers to offer to its hit mood. Discover the tracklistings here. No pain, no game.
- Play France

Related Links: Play France, GTAForums Topic Progressing
Posted by DigitalD at 21:00. Category: General

Just wanted to give you lot a little update on how things have been progessing on, our game-specific site for the upcoming GTA San Andreas.

As you may or may not have noticed, our left-side menu has grown steadily over the last few weeks with new content being added frequently. Our missions page has information about missions we know about so far, and their transcripts. The overview page attempts to summarise GTA San Andreas in a short page, and there's much more to be seen. Don't be shy to click around and read up on some San Andreas information. Remember, all our content is confirmed information, we don't post rumours, so what you read here you can believe.

I would also like to introduce two new staff members I've recruited over the last week. Meet Leo Teal, formerly working with GTA Area, and Evan, formerly working with GTA Planet. Hopefully both of these fine chaps will enjoy a long road of successful work on the GTA Network!

As always, if you have any comments or suggestions for the site, or you want to get in touch, we are here for you on our forum.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Play Magazine's Preview
Posted by adamcs at 18:06. Category: General

Play Magazine

We have just received flawless scans of the article and we're in the process of making a new information list. Stay tuned!

The August Play Magazine (issue 118) is featuring a massive 9-page preview on GTA San Andreas. Rockstar have started showing us areas of the countryside, and included in tihs magazine are heaps of new screenshots and new information about the suburban setting. The magazine will be in stores on the 17th of July.

The preview contains new screenshots of the following:

  • A combine harvester with razor-sharp blades working on a field.
  • A dirtbike (similar to Sanchez from Vice City) riding through the forest.
  • Articulated trucks, including ones with huge detachable gas canisters.
  • A monster truck riding through a valley and a shallow river bed.
  • A jeep overlooking the sunset on a cliff.
  • An SUV driving through the meadows.
  • An ATV racing on a dirt track.

Short sample from the preview:

"CJ will score experience points for killing using a weapon or for driving well and will 'level up'. But don't expect any RPG-style allocation of experience points, CJ will simply get better at driving, be able to reload his weapon faster or will score more head shots.

...this is the logical continuation of GTA's whole 'this is your game' [theme]..."

Read more for the full summary.

Related link: topic.

Read More

Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Bridge Comparison
Posted by adamcs at 21:50. Category: General

A bridge is clearly seen in the official boxart, but is it the Golden Gate Bridge? No. If you look closely, you can clearly see that the bridge featured in the boxart is infact the Bay Bridge.

GTA San Andreas
Bridge Comparison

So it now seems likely that there will be 2 bridges in the game.

Monday, July 12, 2004
Game Informer US August Preview
Posted by DigitalD at 23:53. Category: General

The new Game Informer US August issue contains a 2-page spread of GTA San Andreas. The first page is text, the second a selection of new screenshots. There is no remarkable new information except for some control specifics which might interest you lot.

You'll still use the auto-targeting of Vice City, but now you can strafe while locked on to an enemy. Also, you can now use the right analog stick to control your point-of-view while walking or running, much like in Rockstar North's recent cult hit Manhunt.
-Game Informer August

Further on in the magazine there are some rumours as to who will be voicing the characters.

Everyone's wondering which famous celebrities are doing the voicework for Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The company wouldn't say a word when we visited, but spies have sighted rapper/member of the Law & Order posse Ice-T at Rockstar. Ice Cube and Yo-Yo were also seen on the premises. Rockstar better watch out, because if there's some sort of dispute with Ice-T's royalties, we hear that Sam Waterston and David Hasselhoff carry some mighty big sticks.
-Game Informer August

Thanks to Brad Hofbauer for the Game Informer originals.

New San Andreas Publications Heading Your Way
Posted by DigitalD at 22:22. Category: General

More and more tidbits of information on new previews have been springing up lately..

  • GamePro US (September 2004) - The article in question is two pages long and features nine screenshots, none of which are new.
    • GamePRO USA claims the game starts with CJ in East Los Santos.
    • GamePRO was one of the publications that was shown a demo of the game with three intact missions: "Menace", "Drive-by", "Reuniting the Families".
    • Voice talent and the soundtrack have not yet been finalised.
    • GamePRO claims the city of Los Santos alone is 4 times the size of Vice City. I personally find this a little challenging to believe, rather that the whole of San Andreas state is 4 times the size of Vice City. Time will tell.
      The city of Los Santos alone is four times the size of Vice City, which is pretty scary considering that there are two other cities and even larger deserts and badlands connecting them for you to explore.
      - GamePRO USA September 2004

  • - Eurogamer has put up an online Dan Houser interview, based off the OPS2M interview. No new information, but a useful read if you missed the Official Playstation2 Magazine interview.

Source: Partnersite PlanetGrandTheftAuto.

Thursday, July 08, 2004
New Screen Revealed in Italian Publication
Posted by Canofceleri at 12:55. Category: General

Leave it to the Italians to bring us a new screenshot when we have all been dying for one. Italian PSM have delivered what is seemingly the first truly in-game, non-touched up screenshot released. Here we see our first instance of a dirty car and also of shooting forward (ala motorcycle) from inside a vehicle. Not to mention we get the gist of Carl's magical powers... "Look, ma, no hands!"

E questo è per tu... grazie voi i' italiani.

GTA San Andreas
Drive-by in the park.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004
GTA San Andreas Box Art!
Posted by Tank at 16:25. Category: General

First on the scene again! Here's the official GTA San Andreas box art we've just been sent from Rockstar.

GTA San Andreas
Click To Enlarge

Tuesday, July 06, 2004
GTA Network Presents Partnerships
Posted by DigitalD at 17:57. Category: General

The GTA Network is proud to announce that we have partnered up with PlanetGrandTheftAuto and GTA Scraper in order to bring you the best coverage of Grand Theft Auto news. Through this partnership we aim to establish a strong connection to our fans by being able to bring you information from a wide spectrum of sources and provide you with exclusive, partners-only video and information feeds.

Some information about our partnership:

  1. The GTA Network owns,,, and GTAForums are the most popular Grand Theft Auto forums on the entire web. They have been around since early 2001.
  2. PlanetGrandTheftAuto has ties to IGN/Gamespy, the Internet's leading information and entertainment destinations for gaming and entertainment enthusiasts. Also, PlanetGrandTheftAuto was at E3 two months ago to get the first detailed information on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. PlanetGrandTheftAuto has only been around since March of this year, but the website that it was built from was around since early 2002.
  3. GTA Scraper has been around since 2000 and has numerous contacts with Grand Theft Auto's developers, Rockstar Games and Rockstar North which has allowed the site to gain access to exclusive informaton and organize chats with the developing team about the game which have been enjoyed by the whole community.

All three of us look forward to working together on a day-to-day basis. Our combined advantages will bring you the best Grand Theft Auto San Andreas coverage on the exciting road to October.

Friday, July 02, 2004
I think I'm seein' double!
Posted by Andy at 21:04. Category: General

Digi brought this to my attention a few minutes ago while I was typing up the little rant about lack of official screenshots, and I couldn't help but take note of it.

Psy, of just posted a news article that looks remarkably similar to the San Andreas to Hit Xbox Sooner than Expected? article posted earlier today.

I just thought I'd bring that to your attention, in case any of you were looking for something to scowl at in between Trading Spaces episodes.

Some time later... (news edit!)

A little edit and update on the situation. First off, I would like to thank PyroHazard for sending me a reassuring PM about the whole shabang, and making certain that there would be credit given where credit is due on the news article.

I would like to apologize to both Psy and for the rash news post I added earlier. News has been posted on that site before without giving credit, and the shock of seeing my article written hours earlier duplicated (word for word) on another site did get to me a little, as I'm sure it would to anyone. Thus I would like to say sorry for posting the news article quickly before giving some time to see how things would flow.

In closing, I would like to reaffirm Psy's statement of CITING SOURCES. Although news updates are appreciated by any fansite, it's even more appreciated (and sometimes mandatory) to let the site know where you got your information from.

Regards & apologies to Psy and co., Tsuroki.

Screenshots, anyone?
Posted by Andy at 20:57. Category: General

Screenshots, screenshots everywhere... and not a single one to link.

Most of you have probably seen the magazine scans circulating the web by now. Catching glimpses of the cops on motorbikes, thugs covered in bright violet tracksuits and overly-obese versions of Carl Johnson. They're appealing, awe-inspiring, and make you want the game that much more - hell, I know I want it that much more from seeing those screenshots!

Fansites, struggling to stay up to date with the news and latest content, have only magazine scans to refer to when it comes to getting new screens. Low-resolution scanner imaging isn't the greatest thing in the world, but it's all we have. It's not pretty, it's not stupendous, and as far as I know it's on the border of copyright infringement.

This is the decision that GTA fansite staffers have to make. Should we push the envelope by revealing to the community what's in store by cropping screens out of magazine scans, or do we go the other route, the "high road" so to speak, and only go with what R* has officialy released through their official website?

We're hoping that Rockstar* will release some legit screens in the near future (keeping us from having to rely on pissin off magazine companies by scanning their product), but nobody can say for sure. As it is right now, though, we find ourselves trying to please the masses while pleasing the mags - sticking with the 4 original screenshots that were released, while trying to keep a sharp stick pointed towards the massing crowds who looking for more.

San Andreas to Hit Xbox Sooner than Expected?
Posted by Andy at 18:05. Category: General

For months now (at least ever since the public release of the official San Andreas website), many GTA fans have been living by the pledge that Microsoft gamers and their mini-supersystem consoles wouldn't be getting a taste of San Andreas for at least a year after the PS2 release.

It has caught our attention however, that an article in the Official XBox Magazine has been quoted as stating the following in relation to upcoming releases:

"[GTA San Andreas] may be coming to store shelves sooner than you think! According to one analyst's interpretation of Take Two financial reports (the new holy grail of under-the-radar gaming information), the Xbox version of GTA: SA may race up as soon as Spring 2005. It was assumed by most that the Xbox version would come at least a year after the PS2 version - that's what sony's exclusivity deal with Rockstar entailed for GTA 3 and GTA: VC. But according to this analyst you could be busting caps on your Xbox a lot sooner than that. To which we say: word."
- Official XBox Magazine

This fits in well with a similar statement in Xbox World Magazine. Everything said and done, however, whether or not this is more than a rumor is yet to be seen. The well-known agreement between Take2Games and Sony, which became a hot topic last year with the release of the Double Pack (GTA3 and Vice City) on XBox, states that the PS2 system has exclusive rights to all initial Grand Theft Auto title releases.

Whether or not an early 2005 release on the XBox will infringe on the agreement has yet to be clarified.

Thursday, July 01, 2004
OPS2M Germany : Map
Posted by DigitalD at 22:23. Category: General

The map that has been spreading around with the Official Playstation2 Magazine Germany has been accused of being falsified and just a guessed artwork, however with the new scans we can read that there is truth to it.

"Unfortunately we were not able to take a picture of the map, therefore we drew an approximate representation of what we saw. There is of course countryside and much more between the 3 outlined cities. Everything you see on the map is accessible by car, and don't forget, each city is the size of GTA Vice City."
- August 2004 Issue of Playstation2 Magazine Germany (OPS2M).

In order to give you a better understanding of the map released with OPS2M, we touched it up and give our own interpretation on it. For those of you quick to point out that the August PSM:US preview claims Las Venturra is in the bottom right corner, well just rotate the map ~30° and it will be.. and about the mountain.. we're sure it fits in there somewhere!

OPS2M Germany : Article Summary
Posted by Canofceleri at 19:25. Category: General

By now the OPS2M magazine has hit Germany with its own preview of the upcoming title, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. But still, much of the community is still in the dark as far as what the actual article revealed. We can attribute that to many things -- namely that most American, English, and Aussie fans don't understand Germanic blabber, but that's where -Nemo- from our very own network message boards has stepped in and provided a translation of the article.

"The number of licensed music tracks in San Andreas will have tripled -- and the game isn't even at full completion yet..."

-OPS2M Germany Translation

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New IGN Preview Details the Known
Posted by Canofceleri at 11:42. Category: General

IGN, one of the net's top gaming publications, released their own take on the details of this thing called San Andreas.

Basically, nothing new is said, which is not surprising in the least. The closest we get to hearing new details is this short little ditty...

"There will be on-rails shooting segments where we have to gun people down while literally riding shotgun in a car that someone else is driving."

Now, I don't know what the hell 'on-rails shooting segments' are, but it sounds excessively violent -- which indeed is promising.

There is also a few paragraphs on what vehicles and weapons are confirmed by the currently released screens and some small tidbits on Frank Vincent's still scheduled involvement with the game. To check up on all the details of this five page overload, check out the IGN Article yourself.

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